How I straight-up REPLACED “Free Strategy Sessions” with $1,500 Mid-Ticket Offers.
How I straight-up REPLACED “Free Strategy Sessions” with $1,500 Mid-Ticket Offers.

How I straight-up REPLACED “Free Strategy Sessions” with $1,500 Mid-Ticket Offers.

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I'm Tim Barber, the founder and CEO of Overlap Design, a growth-focused digital agency that exists to start, build, brand, and scale businesses online.
Further up and further in!
- Tim Barber
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Skip the trial and error! This guide gives you the broad overview of everything you need to know when it comes to getting to $20K as a Christian Expert, Coach, or Consultant. I promise that if you lean hard on even just the first 2 of these things, you can get up to $10K / mo. in income.
Level up your business & 10x your revenue by nailing these 7 systems:


$1,500 Offer with a plug and play framework that leads to a specific, cool outcome, leading to a $6K or even $12K offer after that first call.
  • People don't like to "buy" sales calls. Yes, you have to buy them with your time. And people don't want to do that anymore.
  • It is easier to sell a $1,500 offer than it is to sell a sales call.
  • It's not a sales call — it's a $1,500 offer for a framework that can be delivered in one hour with a tight feedback loop.
  • Sold over DM's with a link to a One-Pager.
  • The offer did all of the work.
  • The plug n play framework - hers was a 90-minute call to get one "hook", to simplify their marketing around 1 thing that makes it all work - the "hinge".
  • Transformed later into a 3-Hour VIP Afternoon for $6K.
  • Offer that stood on its own that had a hook built into it. People immediately know - "I want that", or "I don't want that."
  • Because this is so specific and has such an immediate outcome, it makes an amazing referral offer. People can get referred over to you for one of these and be ready to go.
  • Too many unknowns for the buyer
  • People have to put up their guard. Go in with a game plan.
  • They know they have to play someone else's game.
  • Also on YOUR side - to sell and ROI on Strategy Sessions
    • you need to flood your biz with leads for practice
    • invest in training
    • learn how to lower people's guard
    • learn how to get them to open up
    • learn how to turn the convo to your agenda
    • learn how to handle objections
    • get hyped but also stay grounded before the call
    • invest in energy management coaching
  • To sell a $1,500 call, you need a good offer (which everyone has hidden somewhere.)
So the cost of a "FREE" Strategy Session — not only are they hard to sell, the amount you've invested into making them work is:
  • all the leads that were good fits but didn't close because your skills needed work
  • All the sales coaching programs you invested in to work on your skills
  • Unpaid time taking calls.
Does this work at scale with paid ads in your opinion?
"At scale for MOST programs, they are probably better off running ads to a low ticket challenge with upgrade calls included, so the offer scales with it. For consultants / high-end coaches who are looking to grow with ads but not necessarily "scale", running ads to a 1:1 call or group workshop seems like it should work but idk what kind of follow-up is needed to make ROAS make sense."

Book your calendar with $1500 calls and ditch “free strategy sessions”

First some background:
1. I love talking to people and I love helping people grow their business.
2. I used to be a high ticket sales coach and I was good at it.
3. I’m not allergic to getting on the phone.
But for my business, booking my calendar with “free strategy sessions” was keeping me stuck.
  • I resented the time I had to block on my calendar for spots that may or may not get filled.
  • I resented the time it took to fill those spots.
  • I resented the strategic thinking energy that sales conversations took away from me.
  • I resented never having enough skills to finally say “I’ve mastered this conversation”. There was always a new $6K program or $10K coach I needed to make it work.
  • And because I was resentful knowing how much I put into making these calls work, I couldn’t detach myself from the outcome of the call which means a lot of great-fit leads fell through the cracks 😂😭
Since my goal is NOT to become a high ticket closer...
Solving all of these high-ticket-closer problems took me further away from my actual goal - which is talking to people, helping people grow their business, and growing my own business.
...I decided to book my calendar with $1500 90-minute calls instead.
Using several organic posts, DMs and a google doc.
What I found is the $1500 call was easier to sell than getting someone onto a “free strategy session”...
...because it was a call people actually wanted.
Within a month I had sold 20 of these calls and used it to sell 6K - 12k offers when it was a fit.
It took me a whole year to recognize the brilliance of what I had done. (kicking myself for that one lol)
Now that I’m seeing it, I’m wrapping up my sales and marketing process into a workshop and helping you craft your own $1500 call offer.

The 2-Day “Your $1500 Call” Workshop

(I’m still working on the name 😆)
Here’s who this is for:
  • You’re a coach or consultant
  • You’re ready to ditch “free strategy sessions” aka sales calls
  • You want a wildly attractive offer that’s fast to fulfill, but doesn’t sacrifice client satisfaction or results
  • You understand the mechanics of organic FB marketing
  • you’re already connected to potential buyers (fb friends, your own group, jv partners or masterminds, email list, past clients.. etc)
  • You’re OPEN to exploring offers that sound different than any offer you’ve ever made (and open to your new offer feeling fully aligned - I love helping people with this)
Here’s how it will go:
Session 1 - Your $1500 Call Offer
If you want to ditch free consults and sales calls - it’s the STRENGTH of your offer that will determine how quick and how easy it is for you to ditch them for good.
  • Together we’ll create for you a single call offer.
  • We’ll create a hook to grab attention for your offer
  • I’ll show you how to get your buyers to value it at $1500 or more.
  • The offer will set you up for a longer term offer at the price of your choice $5k - 55KSession 2 - Your Simple Google Doc Sales PageI’m handing over a simple to-the-point template to sell your $1500 offer and I’ll coach you on making the copy your own - it’ll be done by the end of the session.Session 3 - Your DM ConvosI’ll walk you through selling over DMs with your Simple Google Doc Sales Page, and how to handle the objections you’re likely going to encounter while selling a one-call offer.Session 4 - Your Hand-Raising Content
I’ll show you how to generate a ton of attention for your offer and attract a list of interested buyers using a few strategic posts.
Office Hours
Not only will we be working throughout the sessions, there will be dedicated hours to getting work done during the two days. I’ll be on zoom answering your questions, helping you brainstorm, and available for coaching while we all get work done together.
The 2-Day “Your $1500 Call” Workshop
>>>> Early Bird Price - $2900 <<<<

  • Seat to the 2-day live workshop
  • Your own $1500 call offer
+ Google doc sales page template
+ Onboarding video script

10am CT - 4pm CT

Price goes away this Thursday Dec 9 at Noon CT
  1. Two Monthly Payments - $1925/mo x 2 months

Feel free to send me a Facebook DM with any questions / conflicts :)

“Exactly what I needed in this exact moment. You might have just solved all my problems” “I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it” “Selling the $1500 call helped me see the value of what I do in a much clearer way”“We need an offer like this on the front end of our 100k offer” The feedback I’m getting for this is so much fun 😄😄 And this is just a fraction of what I’ve heard. Not just from solopreneurs are raving but 7 & 8 figure business owners - who have a sales team model - are too. Sales calls don’t suck for everyone but they may not be the right model for YOUR business. Next Thursday and Friday I’m running a 2-day workshop I intend to revolutionize this industry with this info. Not everyone will love me for it (sorry sales pros) Sorry because instead of making you feel like crap you can’t sell your own offers I’m giving you a TOOL that will sell it for you. You don’t have to take calls if you don’t want to. If you do the workshop here’s what you get: - An offer that’s easier to sell than getting people onto a sales call, valued at $1500+ - it’s easier because the buyer doesn’t feel cornered so they have space to actually consider the offer - you get my sales process so you can sell your first 5 before the new year - I’ll show you how to completely wow your clients so $1500 is SMALL - I’ll show you how to run the call. - I made plenty of mistakes selling my first $1500 call and you don’t have to make them. - I already know the objections people give, I’ll show you how to avoid them. - I’ll show you how to get in front of people who pay $1500 for a call. - I’ll show you how to upgrade the people you want to a $5-$55k offer Gonna be upfront with you. This workshop costs MORE than $1500. It’s not a workshop where you sit and take notes while I do all the talking. It’s not a workshop where you get the goods and feel all happy inside then don’t do anything with it. We gonna get to work. If you want more info I will send it! Got it all typed up in a Google doc. Just leave me a comment below ☺️


I have two new babies, two kiddos in school, and a business (which is less cuddly than the others but I love it just the same 😄) I can’t take 5 calls a day every day. Also I don’t want to. So I created an offer that grabs attention and sells easy over DMs and now I help coaches with their offer and give them my sales process too. Before I showed people how to sell in DMs I closed 20 clients within a month using my strategy.
  • do you have kiddos like me?
  • do you prefer to travel and live your life?
  • do you hate high pressure hustle culture and just like to chill?
  • or maybe you just wanna free up time so you can be an actual CEO of your coaching biz and not a cog in the machine. Whatever your reason - if you’re tired of getting on the phone to sell your offer I can help. I’ve coached 300+ clients in all kinds of niches how to sell their offer so I’m sure what you’ve got won’t scare me 😆 Comment “ME” and I’ll send you a doc on how we can work together, if you choose. Talk soon 🥰
Last year I replaced “Free Discovery Calls” with a $1500 call instead. Going live tomorrow to share how I booked my calendar. Who wants a tag?
It’s easier to sell a $1500 one-call offer than it is to sell a FREE strategy session
stop undervaluing your CLIENT’S time
Yessss! Overloading a coaching program because you think it adds more value, or is over delivering is actually disrespectful to your clients most valuable resource
most people don’t think through any time constraints they just slap “12 weeks” “6 months” on their offer.
But you can add value, increase your prices by asking yourself “can I get my client the same result in 2 weeks? 2 hours?” More people should sit with that question & questions like it - the innovation in this space would explode 😄
in addition, how can you get people the result they want via the shortest amount of training videos?
I cringe when I personally buy coaching and see I have to watch 100 hours of videos or join long calls multiple times a week Coaching is an efficiency tool IMHO
Is your zone of genius really free strategy sessions? If you can immediately answer “no” then why is all your time spent trying to spend more time on free strategy sessions?
The content I write is intended to move people and move people fast. The offers I make are intended to move people and move people fast.
Movements are only made with movement.
If you are tired of “nurturing” your people and relying on your 1:1 sales conversations to sell - you need a seat in my workshop 🙃
I love talking to people and I love writing but I also love efficiency.
I’m dropping workshop details next week and there will be a limited number of seats available - let me know if you want info before I make it public.
Give me a 👋🏻 in the comments and you’ll get first peek!
If you’re used to selling out your time to free strategy sessions…
It makes sense you have resistance around charging $1500 for a call.
But this is where your thinking is completely off because the TIME you give has nothing to do with the VALUE that’s transferred.
I can help you stack a call so people get their $1500 worth.
This first step to delivering $1500 worth of value is to deliver it to people who can UTILIZE it. I guarantee you your hesitation has nothing to do with your worth and everything to do with the people you are talking to.
The feedback you get on free calls does not dictate the feedback you get on $1500 calls.
It’s a whole different game.
It will free you to charge for calls.
If you still have resistance offer two calls. Do one call plus some Voxer support.
I’m good at what I do because I don’t buy into the head stuff.
Like yes it’s there but also what can I do to get around it.
First thing is to stop listening to people who tell me I don’t have something of value.
  • prospects on calls who’s aren’t a fit to begin with
  • sales coaches who say I don’t have conviction Everything changes when you start listening to YOU and design your business to serve YOU.
“Exactly what I needed in this exact moment. You might have just solved all my problems” “I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it” “Selling the $1500 call helped me see the value of what I do in a much clearer way”  “We need an offer like this on the front end of our 100k offer” The feedback I’m getting for this is so much fun 😄😄 And this is just a fraction of what I’ve heard. Not just from solopreneurs are raving but 7 & 8 figure business owners - who have a sales team model - are too. Sales calls don’t suck for everyone but they may not be the right model for YOUR business. Next Thursday and Friday I’m running a 2-day workshop I intend to revolutionize this industry with this info. Not everyone will love me for it (sorry sales pros) Sorry because instead of making you feel like crap you can’t sell your own offers I’m giving you a TOOL that will sell it for you. You don’t have to take calls if you don’t want to. If you do the workshop here’s what you get:
  • An offer that’s easier to sell than getting people onto a sales call, valued at $1500+
  • it’s easier because the buyer doesn’t feel cornered so they have space to actually consider the offer
  • you get my sales process so you can sell your first 5 before the new year
  • I’ll show you how to completely wow your clients so $1500 is SMALL
  • I’ll show you how to run the call.
  • I made plenty of mistakes selling my first $1500 call and you don’t have to make them.
  • I already know the objections people give, I’ll show you how to avoid them.
  • I’ll show you how to get in front of people who pay $1500 for a call.
  • I’ll show you how to upgrade the people you want to a $5-$55k offer Gonna be upfront with you. This workshop costs MORE than $1500. It’s not a workshop where you sit and take notes while I do all the talking. It’s not a workshop where you get the goods and feel all happy inside then don’t do anything with it. We gonna get to work. If you want more info I will send it! Got it all typed up in a Google doc. Just leave me a comment below ☺️
This is unquestionably my favorite coziest sweatshirt ever. What’s so amazing about it is not that it’s 2 sizes too big.. although that sure doesn’t hurt. It’s that anytime I wear it in public I get the most genuine compliments on it. Not just the kind that are like “oh you caught me staring, what an interesting ensemble” No the compliments are real like “oh my gosh I love your sweatshirt” And I LOVE this response. Not gonna lie I do love the attention 🥰 And the attention is fun but when people give me a compliment like this I know it’s because of ONE REASON only
I gave them permission << Permission to be weird. Permission to wear what they want. Permission to love the quirks that make them unique and amazing. Permission to live life on their terms. Permission is the key to action. I use permission in my marketing. And I use it with my clients. Permission is the first key to raising your prices. Years ago when my husband and I first went in business we had a web agency and our norm for two years were suuuper beautiful custom $4000 sites. Until one day I Google searched “can I charge $10000 for a website?” That was the door. That one Google search led me down a rabbit hole and changed our entire business trajectory and our average for a simple site jumped to >>$25k<< within a year. All we needed was a new ceiling. When I say you can charge $1500 for a single call if you want It’s not to insinuate you don’t want it if you don’t do it. It’s not to make you feel bad that it’s out of reach. It’s not to laugh say BuT iT’s OnLy PoSsIbLe iF yOu HiRe mE It’s just because I know the impact just having permission to be who I am and charge what I want has had on my life. I didn’t have all the answers but the answers found me when I said “yes go for it” Know your ceiling. Give yourself permission to bust through it. Be weird 👽😘
I have a One Call Offer and it is absolutely my favorite tool for my biz
  • It can easily replace your sales calls (no more freebies)
  • It’s suuper referrable - a nice bite size taste test your clients find easy to recommend
  • It’s lightning fast at getting a quick win and an sure way to show what’s possible
  • You can price it to set the stage for your other high ticket offers $5k - $55k. I love a good ol’ $1500 call.
  • Since you’re cutting sales calls you can focus on the job you actually love to do - the actual coaching part And I can help you build this offer and a super attractive hook for it then show you how to sell in DMs. BUT one of the most common questions I get is “how??” …Not how to sell it. -How do I pack $1500 worth of value into a single call?? -How do I get people to see the value of just one call?? -How can I confidently SPEAK about a call that’s priced that amount?? -How do I say that number when they ask?? -What if they don’t continue with me?? -Am I even worth that amount for a call?? Ok some of these questions I actually get from people and some of them I know on a deep level because they. are. mine. When I first started offering $1500 calls, it was an easy offer to make objectively but energetically I had some leveling up to do. I’m always leveling up but nailing the energetics of a one call offer has made all my other offers leaner, super potent, and a ton more fun. Join me next week! I want to show you how to streamline your genius into a single high ticket call and not flinch a single bit when it comes to your prices. Link & info in the comments 😋
Y’all probably know by now that if you “discount” your price it directly lowers the value of your product / service in the eyes of your people So you don’t do price discounts And yet You discount your stuff all the time without touching the price.
  • Your unowned genius is a discount
  • Your unexplored genius is a discount
  • Your withheld genius is a discount
  • The genius you don’t share when you’re not at your best: discount
  • The genius you borrow from someone else because your way couldn’t possibly be as powerful: discount
  • The genius you’re ashamed to admit is how you think because you were told at some point in your life it’s not useful: discount
  • The genius you don’t even claim as yours because someone else has fully claimed theirs and their topic overlaps: discount How do you expect people to willingly consistently pay the prices you’ve set - let alone higher prices - if you keep discounting your genius?? Your genius is there, it just isn’t fully acknowledged. There is always more to claim. The more explored The more claimed The more substantial The more developed The more concrete The more hard-lined The more understood The more aha moments The more actionable The more lives changed The more your price makes sense to pay. The more you can increase your price as it makes sense. Some of you reading my stuff keep saying “no it doesn’t make sense to increase my prices - my market needs accessibility” What they need is to believe the price you’re currently making is representative of the actual value they get Because as soon as they see a discount - price or otherwise - they will automatically question it. Doors close tomorrow for CHARGED - my new 5 day Masterclass for increasing your capacity for higher prices. Your awareness for your own genius will increase. Your ability to explore and claim your genius will increase. Your ability for your genius to be understood and received by clients will increase. Join me 😋 We’ll have a blast!! Link is in the first comment.
Okie dokie... it’s been over 6 months since I’ve offered this and not sure when I’ll open it up again (especially with two baby boys on the way)
BUT I’ve got a ton of energy right now thanks to being in my 2nd trimester and I’m itching to create some of this special magic again 😄
I‘ve got a nifty system for creating IP that hooks people‘s attention and transforms your offer into the shiniest object you’ve ever seen.
It’s the kind of IP your clients geek out over and form a cult-like following (yeah I use this system for my client satisfaction clients too)
I honestly don’t know why I’ve waited so long bc it’s such a fun process for me to see play out..
😋 One client grew his business from a shakey 5-10k months to 50k months by updating his ads & spoken offer with the new IP
😛 One client had her best month ever at $40k after introducing her new beautifully-perfect-for-her IP to her organic audience
😵 One client was able to ditch a low end 4 fig offer that didn’t light him up - attracting clients less than ideal, and instead start attracting exactly the kind of teams he loves on a multiple 5 fig offer.
I call this nifty system The Hinge - you may remember me talking about it.
Here’s what it is in case you need a refresher:
[+] The Hinge is unique and fun-for-you IP that differentiates you from your competitors who are talking about the same boring stuff over and over.
[+] The Hinge is a novel way of talking about what you do in a way that instantaneously 1) grabs attention 2) makes sense to your people and 3) gets them to rank your offer as high priority
[+] It includes a whole content system for fast-tracking the buyer’s journey so your people go from cold to sold fast (this is what happens when you focus on relevance)
[+] The Hinge defaults your people into ready-to-buy mode. Instead of having to convince and over-sell, as the new shiny object in your industry, all you have to do is present and let buyer’s come to you.
[+] And it works stellar for both ads and organic, spoken offers and sales pages. Whatever your game is, this makes planning and writing content easy.
I’m absolutely in love with the Hinge.
Not to mention I’ve coached hundreds (yah) of clients on their offers and sales copy and it’s my absolute favorite thing to watch the lightbulbs come on when clients go from being tongue-tied / bored / frustrated to fully owning their unique perspective and expertise.
Does this sound fun for you?
What I’m offering:
[+] A 3 Hour VIP Sesh where we create your IP, transform your offer into a shiny object your people must have, and outline the sales content to go with.
[+] Yes it can be done in 3 hours (and this pregnant lady is going to need pee breaks as much as your brain will need stop-exploding breaks 😄).
[+] I won’t be forcing you into a box of my ideas - everything we create together is gonna feel like your own magic.
[+] All training on how to use / implement will be done on the call.
[+] One 30m follow up call for smooth sailing.
[+] I’m filling 8 (EIGHT) of these spots for May and the early May dates I got are first come first serve.
Once these are filled I’m not sure when I’ll be opening this offer up again, I’ve got a busy year ahead 🥰
If you are interested in one of these spots drop a note below and I will send you scheduling / pricing details.
And of course you’re welcome to DM me with questions.
These VIP Sesh’s are some of my favorite convos so get ready for some fun 😛
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You are now in possession of a tool that can separate the world-class agencies from the fakers - now you don't have to worry about getting ripped off, bamboozled, or let down by a web agency. But I'm not done. I'm here to up the ante.
Knowing what you know now, you have two choices. You can roll the dice and risk your time, energy, and money trying to figure out how to grow your business online for yourself. Be warned - there's a lot of misinformation out there.
Or, you can roll the dice on another agency - there are some good ones, but it's like finding a needle in a haystack. If you don't get the needle, it's a 5 figure waste.
Or you can get a custom-built roadmap to 10x-ing your business, tailored just to you - giving you a step-by-step process to follow for scaling into a world-class business.
It's a GrowthMap Session with me and my team! On the call, we'll combine both of our expertise, get everything on the table, and come up with a rock-solid roadmap to growing your business online, based off of our battle-tested GrowthLaunch process. If you want to know more, please book a 15-minute call to see if there's a fit. Even if there's not, we'll do what we can to help out!

Book a Call to see if there's a fit!

Click Here to Book a Call with Tim Today →

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